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Re-Scaling the Dental Recall BASCD Autumn Scientific Meeting

Registration now open!

Programme and Registration available here


Thursday 15th November 2018

Cavendish Conference Centre, London

Re-Scaling the Dental Recall?


Aim :

To consider the findings of recent UK national research projects and their impact on practice and policy

Learning Objectives.

By the end of the conference participants will:

  • Have a greater awareness of the challenges of research in primary dental care
  • Be able to describe the key findings of the IQuaD, FiCTION and INTERVAL studies
  • Recognise the potential policy implications of the findings of the studies
  • Understand the value of economic tools in aiding resource allocation in dental policy making
9.00 am Registration, tea and coffee
9.45 am Welcome

Derek Richards, BASCD President

09.50 am The Challenge of Research in Primary Dental Care

Beatriz Goulao & Prof. Jan Clarkson

10.20 am IQUAD – Probing the six-monthly Scale and Polish  

Thomas J Lamont

11.00 am Tea and coffee
11.40 am FiCTION (Filling Children’s Teeth: Indicated Or Not)

Prof. Nicola Innes, University of  Dundee

12.10 pm What interval: The risk adjusted dental recall  

Prof. Jan Clarkson  & Beatriz Goulao

12.40 pm “Is it worth it? Using economic tools in resource allocation for dentistry: RAINDROP study

Dr Christopher Vernazza

Clinical Lecturer/NIHR Clinician Scientist, Paediatric Dentistry

School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University

1.10 pm Lunch and Networking
2.10 pm Presentation of Keith Woods Essay prize

Derek Richards

2.15 pm Re-Scaling the Dental Recall  – Panel discussion

 Prof. Jan Clarkson; Prof.Nicola Innes,  Beatriz Goulao ; Thomas J Lamont, Dr Christopher Vernazza .

2.55 pm Members presentations
3.15 pm Digital Dentistry

Tashfeen Kholasi

Clinical Lead for Digital Dental Interoperability, UEC & Digital Technologies NHSE Clinical Fellow, HEE

3.30 pm Tea and coffee
3.45 pm Consultant & Specialists Group  business meeting
4.45 pm Close