The Oral Health Promotion poster prize promotes collaboration between academics and oral health promoters and encourage the dissemination of good oral health promotion practise and evaluation among the BASCD membership.  This prize is awarded at our Spring/Summer Scientific Meeting; the award is £200 and a certificate.

It aims to:

  • encourage good practice in the development, implementation and evaluation of oral health promotion activities
  • facilitate collaborative working between oral health promoters, Dental Public Health and academics in oral health promotion research
  • disseminate across the BASCD membership and more widely, examples of good practice in oral health promotion planning and evaluation

The assessment criteria for this award relate to:


  • Focus of work directly relevant to dental public health, oral health inequalities and oral health improvement

Underlying principles

  • Underlying principles of work are in accordance with the Ottawa Charter in terms of addressing underlying determinants of oral diseases and inequalities
  • Implementation of complementary evidence based interventions
  • Multidisciplinary working
  • Community engagement
  • Appropriate evaluation


  • Rigorous and appropriate research methodology adopted in terms of the theoretical basis for intervention and its evaluation


  • Well structured, clear and concise summary of project presented
  • Appropriate use of language and supporting references
  • Tables and figures used as necessary
  • Interesting and appealing appearance